I've Made a Huge Mistake...

Mistakes. We’ve all made them. Sometimes they’re inconsequential; other times their repercussions can be difficult to bear. Mistakes aren’t all bad though; often times they carry important lessons so that as long as we learn from and don’t repeat them we’re all the wiser for it. Very often, we look back upon our more embarrassing errors and can laugh, remembering how foolish we felt at the time and how much better off we are now, having learned an invaluable lesson.

Thinking back over the years, I’ve made countless mistakes in my workout regiment. In high school, I worked out THREE times a day, barely ate a thing, and for the life of me couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t gaining weight! That all changed when I was a freshman at UT. My arms and chest finally began to get bigger but so did the size of my head. I began parading around campus, all swolled post-workout, thinking I was doing the ladies a favor by popping that shirt off! Much to my chagrin, I learned a year or two later that people who swagger about in such an absurd manner are commonly referred to as D-Bags and from that point on I've been determined to keep my shirt on, much to the disappointment of coeds everywhere I'm sure. After graduating, I picked up running, an activity that I previously avoided at all costs. Just when I had finally gotten over the hurdle that all newcomers to running initially face, I injured my knee as a result of not stretching properly before one of my longer runs and was sidelined for months!

The point is, these mistakes, which seem so obvious to me now, at one point were just a normal part of my workout. It’s enough to make me wonder what egregious health errors I’m committing at this very moment, which I will one day regret. I'm no doctor, but if I had to guess, a massive handful of Sourpatch Kids before bedtime every night is probably not the healthiest but only time will tell.

Anyway, we all make mistakes and learn new things every day. This website will offer us the opportunity to share our experiences and perhaps save each other some grief by learning from someone else’s wrongdoings. So go ahead and try something new this week! Get lost on that new jogging route you’ve wanted to try or go pass out in a hot yoga class! Mess up, learn something new, and share it on the webpage! We’ve got a good group here, I’m excited to be a part of it and I can’t wait to hear what everyone else has been up to!